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Same Day HVAC Service Fast, Reliable, and Professional – We're Here When You Need Us!
Every filter has a rating typically MERV, You never want to use to high of a rated filter or too low, MERV 10 is the max you want to use in a 1" filter and change it more often based off how many pets and people are in the home never advised to use a 1" filter for more than 2.5 - 3 Months, Dirty filters, & to low or high of merv rated filters are 75% of the common issues with HVAC
Make sure to keep your outdoor unit (Condenser) free of debris and surrounding obstructions that will make the air conditioner run harder and lead to no cooling breakdowns
Furnace Exhausting Piping for high efficiency models, You want to make sure these are clear of all obstructions at all times to prevent from breakdowns that can and will be caused by these not venting or allowing intake air into the furnace properly, Especially when the snow drifts can block these during the winter very easily
Carbon Monoxide Alarms, Average lifespan on most models is only 5-7 years some even 10 years, Make sure to check the expiration date on your model and if your not sure to dispose of it and Get a new one,This model pictured is a good model to have also make sure to not place these directly in most furnace and water heater rooms due to you should be placing them at least 15 feet away from any fuel b
Thermostat Batteries (if yours uses them) should be changed every 6-12 months to prevent from the thermostat display going out and causing you to have no cooling or heating
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